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These days, many of us are looking for ways to make affordable meals that don’t compromise on flavour or nutrition and will fill up the family. Fortunately, there are a number of ways for your to create nutritious and tasty meals that are affordable too, to help you keep the family satisfied. One way to cut the cost of your meals is by replacing the meat with a nutrient-rich protein, like soya mince.
Soya mince products, like those in the Knorrox Soya Mince range, enable you to create dishes with meaty texture and flavour without the cost of actual meat.
If you’re curious about how to cook with soya mince and make meals that don’t compromise on nutrition or the rich nyama taste your family loves, read on for our top tips on cooking Knorrox soya mince.
With its versatility and how simple it is to use, minced meat is a popular choice of protein for many signature Mzansi dishes. From boboties and serving as the perfect savoury side to have with amagwinya to helping fill families up for generations with delicious spaghetti and mince dishes, there are so many ways to cook with minced meat.
But whether it’s month-end and you’re trying to stretch your budget or you’re just in the mood for a meatless meal that still delivers delicious meaty taste, there’s a tasty meat alternative from Knorrox.
Providing the same rich meaty taste to your meals that you know and love, the Knorrox Soya Mince range offers a delicious and nutritious alternative to transform your dishes with protein-packed tastiness. Knorrox’s soya mince range comes in 7 mnandi flavours to ensure you can add the meaty flavours you love to any meal. These include:
Every grain in our range of soya minces is enriched with quality ingredients and the same dedication to taste and nutrition that Knorrox has been trusted to deliver for generations. To help you make the most of your Knorrox soya mince, here are some simple tips on how to cook with it to create meals that will satisfy and strengthen the family.
With these two simple tips, you can transform any meatless dish with mnandi nyama flavour. Just ensure you cook your soya mince properly. Fortunately, with Knorrox, it’s quite simple making it convenient to use on those days when you’re short on time.
Here’s how to use it:
1. Soak half a cup of soya mince in one cup of cold water for 10 minutes before adding it to the pot.
2. Then either add some stock to your Knorrox soya mince or use it to create meals with pasta, pap, chakalaka or any other ingredients you like, for a budget-friendly, nutritious meal with the meaty taste you love.
With these two simple steps, you can add protein, nutrition and rich meaty flavour to any dish with ease. To get you inspired to use this tasty meat substitute, here are three recipes that show how Knorrox soya mince can transform your meals with satisfying meaty flavour.
Savoury Fatcakes Recipe - Delight the family by serving up these delicious savoury fat cakes for breakfast or lunch. They are packed with so much flavour thanks to the Knorrox Savoury Soya Mince that adds satisfying meatiness for a seriously mnandi snack.
Cheesy Macaroni Bake Recipe - Forget about having the same old spaghetti and mince with this mouth-watering cheesy macaroni and soya mince dish. It has all the same mouth-watering meaty flavours you love, with added nutritional value thanks to Knorrox.
Chilli Mince with Vetkoek Recipe - With the rich flavours in this soya mince vetkoek recipe, you’ll have the perfect dish to add to your skaftin. The spiciness and meaty texture of the Knorrox Chill Beef soya mince adds a layer of flavour to this recipe that will have umndeni wonke asking for more.
With these three soya mince recipes, you can see that transforming any dish with nutrition and a delicious, rich meaty taste and texture is easy with the Knorrox range. So get creative and discover the deliciousness and goodness Knorrox soya mince can bring to your meals to satisfy the family and help keep them strong and healthy.