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If you’ve seen the movie Meet The Parents, you’ll know that some in-laws can be difficult to deal with. Now, while life isn’t a movie and your father in-law probably isn’t a retired FBI agent scrutinising your every move under a microscope, many of us can relate to the struggle that comes with impressing the people whose son or daughter we’re married to.
We find the best way to clear the tension, create a stronger bond and impress the in-laws is by inviting them over for dinner every now and them. Nothing can bring people together like good food, so we’ve put together a couple of hints and tips that you can put into practice, along with some tasty KNORR recipes to whip up that will have them singing your praises.
Wear Something Wonderful
Put on something special to show your in-laws how important an occasion you consider their visit. We’re not saying you need to doll yourself up to the nines, but wear something that feels comfortable and looks great.
Harp on About Their Hobbies
Ask your father in-law about that fishing trip he went on, and find out what enthralling book your mother in-law picked up at book club this month. Show an interest in their lives and they’re bound to reciprocate the love.
Whip up Something Homely
You’ve thrown out the hook and caught yourself two big fish – now it’s time to reel them in with a meal they’ll adore. Beforehand, be sure to ask your partner about your in-laws’ preferences. Are they fans of crispy pork, scrumptious steak or creamy chicken? Have a look below – we’ve got something delicious for all kinds of palates.