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On the 19th of February 2020, Knorr Future 50 Foods celebrated its first year anniversary. Created in partnership with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and nutrition expert Dr Adam Drewnowski – the Future 50 foods report is a collection of diverse plant-based ingredients from around the world known to help boost the nutritional value of our meals whilst helping reduce the environmental impact on our food supply.
Designed to help reduce people’s need to constantly default to the same meals on a daily basis – the report outlines 50 nutritious foods that could help diversify what we eat. Since its launch 12 months ago, Future 50 Foods has been recognised by world-leading organisations, experts, partners and journalists as a positive force for change.
Reinventing Food For Humanity
This ground-breaking report also marked Knorr’s first shift towards Knorr’s new brand purpose to help reinvent food for humanity. An ambitious goal that we hope to achieve by inspiring healthy eating habits and connecting more people to local nutrient-dense Future 50 Foods. Showing how simple healthy alternatives like swapping mince for lentils in your favourite recipes can make all the difference to your well-being.
Along with launching this revolutionary report, Knorr also managed to make amazing strides over the year 2019.
2019 At A Glance
This year we’re working to further accelerate our efforts towards fixing the global food system. To achieve this, we’ve set a number of radical new goals to help keep the momentum going!
Our 2020 Commitments:
We hope you’re just as excited as we are to embark on this journey towards eating for a better future. To join us, click the link below and discover delicious Future 50 Foods!
Make A Change To Your Plate Today:
Discover Future 50 Food Recipes
Find out more about our purpose.