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Don’t take it all on yourself to cook and clean and create this festive season – recruit the help of eager little hands and imaginative minds to add something special to your meals. You’ll be surprised at how happy and involved kids (and friends!) will feel as they lay the dinner table or help you bake something fun and fruity.
Set up
Take all the help you can get and let the kids set up the dinner table. This becomes a teachable moment to help them learn about what each utensil or piece of crockery is used for. Let them decide if they would like specific colour decorations or flowers. Let the creativity flow, it is the holidays after all!
Everyone has their favourite dish that they absolutely love to eat over the festive season. Get input from guests and household members alike on what they would like to indulge in. If you have a big enough kitchen, invite some guests over to help you prepare the meal and be prepared for a fun night in the kitchen.
Get it clean
Everyone’s mess means it’s everyone’s turn at the dishes. Make it a fun game of drawing straws or play a game of charades with the losing team cleaning up the kitchen. Make sure to win, otherwise you will be stuck with the mess – at this time of the year the fun is in the details.