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Preheat the oven to 180˚C.
Place the salmon fillets and lemon wedges into the bag and sprinkle with seasoning powder. Close the bag at the top end with blue tie supplied.
Very gently massage seasoning powder into the fish on a stable surface.
Ensure seasoning is evenly spread. Place bag sideways in a cool oven dish, ensuring ingredients are evenly spaced.
Bake for 12 minutes on the lowest shelf in the oven. Ensure grill is off at all times. Keep enough room for the bag to expand (bag must not touch the sides of the oven).
Carefully cut bag open, coat the fish in any remaining juices and transfer to a serving dish.
Combine the quinoa and orange segments in a bowl with the rocket leaves and flaked almonds.
Drizzle the orange juice and olive oil over the salad. Serve each salmon fillet with some of the quinoa salad.