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To make the croutons melt the butter in a frying pan on medium heat, add the bread cubes, 2 sliced garlic cloves and the Robertsons Mixed Herbs. Cook until it starts to get brown and crisp. Place on a baking tray to cool down.
In the same pan, fry the diced bacon until cooked and crispy and set aside to cool.
For the dressing, combine the olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, garlic, bokkoms, Robertsons Barbecue Spice and Robertsons Cayenne Pepper in a food processor and blend until completely smooth (or use a stick blender).
In a large bowl toss the separated cos lettuce leaves with the dressing until well combined.
Divide the dressed cos lettuce, cucumber ribbons, croutons, bacon and eggs between 4 salad bowls. Top with parmesan shavings and some freshly ground black pepper.