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Preheat the oven to 150°C.
Place the lamb ribs in an oven casserole and season with Robertsons Mint, Robertsons Steak and Chops Spice and Robertsons Lemon Pepper.
Add a cup of water to the casserole, place the lid on and cook for 60-90 minutes, until the meat comes off the bones easily.
Meanwhile, start preparing the mint pesto. Combine the almonds, mint, flat leaf parsley, lemon juice, zest and the olive oil in a food processor. Season with pepper and pulse until finely chopped. Set the processor on continuous speed and puree until creamy. (Or use a stick blender). Taste and adjust the seasoning.
Once the lamb ribs are soft, place them on a baking tray and bake in the oven until they are crispy and golden brown. This can also be done on the barbecue.
Serve the lamb ribs with mint pesto and fresh lemon wedges.