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Pre-heat oven to 160 °C. Rub the tri-tip joint with grape seed oil and dust liberally with the Robertsons Garlic & Herb and Robertsons Paprika.
Set the tri-tip aside to soak up the rub (for about 45 minutes) and prepare the rest of the dish in the meantime.
Fire up the griddle over a high heat and sear each side of your tri-tip steak. You're looking for even caramelisation all over.
Pop the steak and the griddle into the pre-heated oven and let it roast for 8 minutes before flipping over and repeating.
In the last 5 minutes of cooking time, reheat the spring onions, onion shells and polenta. Set the tri-tip aside to rest for a further 5 minutes before slicing and serving with garnish.
Peel the sweetcorn, but keep the corn silk aside for later. Grate each sweetcorn on a coarse grater and reserve all pulp and juices.
Gather all in a medium-heavy based saucepan and place on a very low heat. Stir to a simmer and keep stirring about every 5 minutes as the polenta reduces. This should take about 45 minutes.
Once the polenta reaches a porridge consistency, whisk in butter and mascarpone. Check seasoning and adjust accordingly. Serve immediately.
Get a griddle or large frying pan super-hot over a high heat. A little smoke is ideal here. Peel the sweetcorn and rub liberally with grape seed oil followed by the Robertsons Spicy Shisanyama and Robertsons Peri Peri.
Throw the corn onto the griddle and char until dark, turning occasionally.
Once the corn is sufficiently charred, remove from heat and slice. Season with lime juice and zest as needed and serve immediately.
While the griddle is still hot, rub the onions and spring onions with canola oil and the Robertsons Garlic & Herb and Robertsons Paprika.
Place the onions face down on the grill and char until blackened. Flip and roast on the skin side until scorched through. Set aside to cool.
While the onions are cooling, char the spring onions until crisp and set aside. Peel away the charred layers of onion and reserve the roasted inner shells to serve.
Heat oil over a medium heat in a heavy based saucepan.
Have a lid ready, add popcorn to the pan along with the Robertsons Garlic & Herb and Robertsons Paprika and quickly place lid on the pot.
Shake pot until all the kernels have popped. Decant and set aside until needed.