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Using a small sharp knife, make scores about a centimetre apart through the skin into the fat of the pork belly.
Rub Robertsons Barbecue Spice and Atlantic Sea Salt into all the scores you've just made, pulling the skin apart a little if you have to. Brush any excess salt off the surface of the skin.
Place your pork, skin side-up, in a roasting tray, and roast at 220 degrees Celsius for about half an hour until the skin of the pork has started to puff up and turn into crackling. Turn the heat down to 180 degrees Celsius and roast for another hour.
Baste with the fat in the bottom of the tray. Add vegetables and thyme to the tray and stir them into the fat.
Roast for another hour until meltingly soft and tender. Carefully move the meat to a serving dish.
Spoon away any fat in the tray, then add the stock pot and water and place the tray on the hob.
Bring to the boil and simmer for a few minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon to scrape up those lovely sticky tasty bits on the bottom of the tray.
Thicken the gravy with corn flour before serving if desired.
Serve the pork with the crackling, gravy, some creamy mashed potato, fresh greens and a dollop of English mustard.